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Category: Rebuild

Feb 12
Christchurch CBD post quake 2016

We collected some photos from around the CBD in 2016 showing buildings new and old during a period of rebuild. These were captured during January and March.

Nov 12
Christchurch Riverside Market

Situated on the corner of Lichfield Street and Oxford Terrace, where the the last resting place was of the container mall, is the new Riverside Market! We’re abit late with this post as thousands of people have been lining up to get in here since it opened a couple of weeks ago. Boasting 30 food […]

May 26
Christchurch Arts Centre Update

There has been a development in the rebuilding of the Christchurch Arts Centre with a new tenant announced for the old Le Cafe space!

May 02
How to fill the empty spaces around the central city

When I look around the central city today, it amazes me to see how much construction is going on and how much progress (albeit slowly) has been made. Equally as amazing to see are the number of empty lots around. This is especially evident on the eastern side of the central city. Playing the game of ‘what […]

Feb 22
Christchurch earthquake five years on

Today at 12.51pm, marked the five year anniversary of the Christchurch Earthquake which tore apart our city. Everyone who was in Christchurch at the time will remember where they were, what they were doing and who they were with but none could imagine the impact and change it would bring upon their lives and to […]

Dec 24
Cathedral update

In news recently in, “The Anglican Church has agreed to investigate reinstating the earthquake-damaged cathedral”. News update at:   Why is it taking so long to get this far? Even at this point, no decision has yet been made.

Dec 18
Art gallery re opening!

The art gallery is re opening tomorrow! It will be open to the public from 10am 🙂 How cool is it to see this building open again. It’s looking great!

Dec 15
Button family crumpets

They’re back! Apparently after earthquake damage caused production to stop, they have since started production again and are selling their delicious crumpets in some supermarkets. Follow their Facebook page at to keep up to date with what supermarkets have their crumpets in stock! UPDATE: Button Family crumpets appear to be no longer available from supermarkets. […]

Dec 10
City centre to get supermarket

In some interesting new news, The Crossing in the central city will be host to a supermarket! Fresh Choice is set to open there in early 2017. The Press article