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Tag: rebuild

Dec 24
Cathedral update

In news recently in, “The Anglican Church has agreed to investigate reinstating the earthquake-damaged cathedral”. News update at:   Why is it taking so long to get this far? Even at this point, no decision has yet been made.

Dec 18
Art gallery re opening!

The art gallery is re opening tomorrow! It will be open to the public from 10am 🙂 How cool is it to see this building open again. It’s looking great!

Dec 15
Button family crumpets

They’re back! Apparently after earthquake damage caused production to stop, they have since started production again and are selling their delicious crumpets in some supermarkets. Follow their Facebook page at to keep up to date with what supermarkets have their crumpets in stock! UPDATE: Button Family crumpets appear to be no longer available from supermarkets. […]